
Complex microtechnology in Pfizer vaccine

January 03, 2022

If you thought the video about microtechnology detected in a Pfizer vial by La Quinta Columna was shocking enough, the team of Spanish researchers has shared today another one even more impressive. 

In a single drop that has been left to dry, it has been possible to observe microstructures that would explain the phenomenon behind the generation of MAC addresses.

Orwell City brings to English this new visual material that La Quinta Columna has shared with the world.

Link: Rumble

Ricardo Delgado: As we suspected —and as we had been informed by certain people who have worked in the preparation of technical reports, and so on—, as the sample evaporates, this hydrogel solidifies. This substance somehow forms with heat. And we can also understand the fact that these samples were initially frozen. Practically, at an ideal temperature. Now we can understand many things. 

I have subjected the sample to certain experimentation, such as exposing it to electromagnetic fields, magnetic fields from a magnet, and ultraviolet radiation. This is very important because as the days go by, the sample evolves. And that's what you're going to see today. 

Well, I don't know how you're going to assimilate it mentally because the images are extremely shocking. And I believe that this is not news. We'd like to give the good news that all this is over and that it all was just a nightmare. But what we're going to see is very important. 

So we were waiting, José Luis, for you to come in so that you could also see it live. And so that we could all comment on what can be inferred or can be concluded from all this. 

Dr. Sevillano: Very good.

Ricardo Delgado: Well, without further ado, let's play this video. I'm going to ask you all to share it. Share this broadcast. Then I'm going to post it on La Quinta Columna's Telegram channel so that you can download it. We'll also upload it to Odysee, particularly. Download it and upload it to your Facebook profiles. It's seven and a half minutes long, but they're very intense minutes. So here we go. Ready? 

The video is titled "Complex Microtechnology in Pfizer Vaccine." Of course, aside from graphene, which is also there. In fact, it's the raw material used, precisely, for all of this. Let's watch it.

Video: Micro-technology in Pfizer vaccine Haxon Aquiles II Microscope.

Ricardo Delgado: Well, if you guys are freaking out about this, this is nothing. 

It's still nothing. Now you're going to see some more evaporated samples. And the components are easier to see. Look at the rectilinear structures. And what's in the center? A CPU? What a shock! 

And here's another "CPU," so to speak. This is another one. I mean, they have the same formation in the center. 

Look how easily it can be seen there. Well, that's nothing. Can you see... Here... Gimme a second. Here. Can you see that some rectangles at the bottom? Well, these types of formations are self-assembling. In fact, we have seen it live, that more and more complex structures are being formed. 

Let's keep watching. Look at this. Unbelievable. It's just unbelievable! 

Ricardo Delgado: Okay. I'm gonna make a little stop here. Here. José Luis, what impression does this give you? Do you think this is a crystal that forms naturally? 

Dr. Sevillano: Obviously not. These are microchips. They're microscopic electronic circuits. And they would explain why we have received so many signals (MAC) from vaccinated people. 

We already said at the time that graphene by itself, unstructured as raw material, wasn't capable of emitting more signals than an "OFF/ON." It couldn't emit numbers, nor codes, nor... let's say, nor could it interact intelligently with the environment, more than as a simple signal that's simply received or sent as such. Raw. 

That's what graphene is for. That's what graphene sheets are for. They impregnate to biological tissue and, from there, do what we saw in the image that Ricardo can show whenever he wants of the myocytes being excited by a light discharge. That's what raw graphene is for. It permeates the tissue, the cell. And from there, it excites or inhibits it depending on the type of cell it's adhered to. 

But of course, that's just an "ON/OFF." It's either excited or inhibited. And there's no signal there. There's no information other than excitation or inhibition. 

On the other hand, when you have to send codes, in addition to several multi-digit codes, you need a circuit. I'm not an expert, but you need a circuitry that allows you to send signals with certain codes. Depending on the signal you receive, you'll send them. That is, you need technology: microtechnology - nanotechnology. 

What we're wondering here, apart from the fact that this could be in a "health product" (to give it a name), is that the competent people in this topic haven't already started to look at what's being introduced surreptitiously into the population. 

I don't understand why the responsible people who have seen these videos that have been circulating for so many months and in which raw or elaborated material, where nanotechnology or microtechnology is seen, aren't responding to this. 

Ricardo Delgado: Look, two identical ones. 

Video: The images were obtained from a single drop of a Pfizer vial. The structures evolve when stimulated with ultraviolet light and over time.

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